Monday 18 May 2015

Nyah! The Tiramisu Hero to the rrrrrrrescue!

Chanced upon this place while my relatives and I were having some hawker food around the area. The pretty shop front caught my eye. I've heard a lot about this place so we decided to go in and try their signature dish... the tiramisu!

And if you are lucky like me, you might catch their resident community kitty loitering about the front of the store. 
Store front
Interior of the cafe
The hero inviting us fellow hoomin beans.
Jars and jars of tiramisu
They sell kaya too
Amusing tip box, from the looks of things, men may be winning.
Fortune cats

The vibe of this place is really very chill. Staff were also polite and friendly. We ordered three jars of tiramisu. The chocolate, original and cinnamon. Each jar came with a different expression from the Tiramisu Hero. Out of the three jars we shared and tasted. We agreed the cinnamon was the best. 

After we were done, we felt it was a waste to let the jars get thrown away, we asked the staff if we could keep it. To our delight, they said yes and the staff even went and got us new jars to bring back. 

Sweet of them. 

Noticed that they have brunch and other main courses as well. Made a mental note to go back and try their other dishes. Really a lovely place to hang out at. A lot of photo opportunity as well.. like the 3D head of the Tiramisu Hero. Just need to be careful not to boop your head when you get out of it. 

I'm pretending to be a tiramisu hero for a day. 

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Cereal-iously weird yet delicious.

After my yoga class, I was desperately craving for ice cream. My fiance and I decided to pop by Tom's Palette at Shaw Tower, 100 Beach Road. Big mistake. Super long queue on a Friday night. Should have seen this coming. But since we were there, we decided to persevere and wait for our turn. I ordered the Miso Walnut and the Salted Egg Yolk ice cream just because it is something different.
Miso Walnut and Salted Egg Yolk
What can I say? My fiance who is not exactly very adventurous with his food, disliked both flavours, but for me? I LOVED IT. The miso walnut is laced with pralines within so there is this unique marriage of miso, walnut and chocolate taste. I admit, it does take some getting used to, but hey, YOLO. The salted egg yolk.. how do I describe it? Imagine you are eating the lui sha bao? Except the custard is not pipping hot, but freezing cold. Again, the taste takes some getting used to. 

After that the fiance said he hasn't had dinner yet and he wants to eat something more filling. We decided to head to Bugis Village nearby to hunt for some snacks for me and some main course for him. Unfortunately the place I had in mind had closed, so we wandered to the third floor for some thai food? Unfortunately, it was closing and they couldn't take our orders. 

Were we destined to starve? NO, this is Singapore, we will never run out of places to eat! 

NEXT to the Thai food store was a zi char place called Yi Lu Fa (literal translation: fortune on the entire journey). What caught our eye on the menu was... CEREAL CHICKEN FRIED RICE? We ordered that and the har cheong gai (prawn paste chicken) to share. 

Yi Lu Fa store on the third floor of Bugis Village
The fried rice and har cheong gai came rather quickly and it looks like the following photos. 
Cereal Chicken Fried Rice, cereal-iously good! $5
Har Cheong Gai, 2 pieces $3
Look at how thick the batter is!
Take your time to eat because the food came piping hot and fresh off the stove. The cereal chicken was delicious, the cereal was fried to a nice crisp and it went well with the fried rice. The fried chicken hidden beneath the mountain of cereal was nicely coated with the cereal as well. Thumbs up for this dish.

Their har cheong gai however, I felt the batter was too thick, making the chicken meat look well.. insufficient. I felt like I had more batter than the chicken. And I felt that the batter was a bit too oily and somewhat salty. Made a mental note to come back for their fried rice but not for the har cheong gai. If you are into food with thick batters, then their har cheong gai is for you. Otherwise, this store is definitely a hidden treasure within Bugis Village. 

Friday 8 May 2015

Salted Egg Yolk Fries?! Give LeBan HK Cafe a medal!

The fiance and I chanced upon LeBan HK Cafe (2 Jalan Leban, Upper Thomson Road) when we headed around the area to buy my cat's wet food. I have read of its legendary salted egg yolk fries from some food blogs, so since the fiance was hungry, why not we pop in for a snack? 

LeBan HK Cafe, and coincidentally it's located at Jalan Leban.
 Since I was feeling a bit cold and I AM in a HK Cafe, I ordered their hot honey lemon drink. Can't go wrong with it since it's honey and lemon combined. Love the sweet and sour taste of this drink. Comforting drink indeed.

$2.20, look at the honey pooled in the bottom.
 The fiance ordered HK Milk Tea. which cameomes in a tin cup. Interestingly, when I went to HK, they always serve their milk tea in plastic cups, especially in the cha chaan teng I have frequented, so I have no idea why in SG they always serving it in tin cups.. maybe I have been going to the wrong cha chaan teng when I was in HK.
As authentic as it gets.
 Finally, the star of the show came. THE LEGENDARY SALTED EGG YOLK FRIES.

LOOK AT IT. OOOZZZZZINGGG with salted egg yolk goodness.

Whoever invented this gloriously, sinfully, fattening and calories inducing dish deserves a medal.
Salted Egg Yolk Fries, $6.50

The salted egg yolk clinging onto the crispy french fries, making it a soggy mess. One bite, oh my goodness, I can't even find the right words to describe it. And I love how they generously drown the fries with the salted egg yolk sauce. The salted egg yolk pork rice at Far East Plaza ain't got nothing on this dish (because I feel they always don't drench enough sauce on the pork). After we finished the fries, I know I shouldn't do this, but I was lapping up the remaining salted egg yolk sauce on the plate with my fork.

I'm telling you this, it's a massive waste if you do not give this dish a try at least once in your life.

I will definitely be back again.

Monday 4 May 2015

Hear ye, hear ye, here is The Daily Scoop!

Chanced upon The Daily Scoop at the School Of The Arts, 1 Zubir Said Drive. I was ecstatic, this meant that I won't have to travel all the way to Clementi just to have it. 

Counter of the Daily Scoop
 The place specialises in... *drumroll* ICE CREAM. Now, I have this weird habit of mine where I like to try out different ice cream parlours in Singapore.. but I do not like to go for the usual banal flavours of vanilla, chocolate, mint.. I am not paying over $2.50 for these where I can get from the ice cream uncle for $1-$1.50!

I go for the weird flavours. Things that I usually cannot get from Ben & Jerry's. #justsaying

Unique flavours like Almond Longan
They have the usual flavours as well like their vanilla...
I mean seriously? Pay $3+ for plain vanilla ice cream?
My fiance and I decided to share their set, which consists of a scoop of their ice cream and a warm brownie. I saw that they had lychee martini ice cream and I was quite tempted to take that one. However, I had tried lychee martini ice cream before so I decided to be adventurous and try their Lime Cherry Tart ice cream.
Lime Cherry Tart with Brownie $7
As I have mentioned before, I have tried different ice cream parlours in Singapore and I can't help but have some form of expectations when I try the ice cream. I expected the Lime Cherry Tart to be like Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.. except with maybe lime shavings thrown in with the cherry? So I expected the Lime Cherry Tart ice cream to be heavily laden with vanilla judging by the colour of the scoop.

To my surprise, it tasted like lime sorbet with the cherry and the tart. I took a double look at the ice cream. It looks milky, so why does it taste so goddamn refreshing? Screw it, it tastes bloody good and light, so I'm not going to figure out why it doesn't taste like the milky and filling vanilla ice cream I had expected. And I loved how it seeped into the brownie.. so when you take a bite, the warm chocolate sauce melts with the brownie and the refreshing lime gives it a sour tinge. It's an odd combination, but I love it.

As the old saying goes, never judge a book (or in this case, scoop) by its cover.

Thursday 30 April 2015

8 Degrees in Taiwan and a Milk Cow: 8 Degrees Taiwanese Bistro (八度空间) and MilkCow (밀크카우)

When I saw the bistro sign 八度空间, I was like thinking "Jay Chou?" Yeap, true enough, this bistro tucked away at 37 Tech Chye Terrace is named after Jay Chou's hit album. Went there for lunch and found the place to be quite cosy and trendy. Being a Taiwanese bistro, the menu offers a mix of Taiwanese street food, classic Taiwanese dishes, desserts and bubble teas.

I opted for their lunch promo which is their bento set and it comes with free flow of their iced tea of the day. That day, it was Lychee tea. The lychee tea was not too sweet and it was a refreshing drink on a hot day.  

The food came relatively quickly. 

Chicken Bento Set
I love the tofu, both the fried and the steam tofu. Can't go wrong with tofu, honestly. The pickled vegetable side dish was refreshing. My only gripe was the chicken cutlet, I tasted more of the flour than the chicken meat itself. Otherwise, can't go wrong with the bento.

Salted Crispy Chicken
I love the salted crispy chicken, unlike some other places, the chicken meat is chunky, not fatty. There is a hint of saltiness, not an excess of it. A must try dish.

Strawberry and Mango Snow Ice.
Finally, the dessert came, the strawberry and mango snow ice. I'm not sure if they SPECIALLY picked out strawberries with the perfect shape of hearts, but I'm digging the heart shape strawberries decorating the mango ice. It has a sweet yet sourish taste that obviously melts in your mouth. Another must try dish.

That was my lunch experience at 8 Degrees Taiwanese Bistro. Definitely an interesting and authentic place to try if you are craving Taiwanese food.

I met up with my fiance over the weekend and we tried the much raved about Milk Cow soft serve ice cream located on the ground floor at The Cathay, 2 Handy Road. I was a little skeptical at first because having tried Honey Creme and I found it to be quite normal, nothing to shout about, so I told myself to just try it with an open mind.

We ordered the Milk Cow Snowdrop, consisting of cotton candy and M&Ms for a rather hefty price tag of $5.9. Well, they claim it's organic milk and honey, so maybe that explains the price. We'll found out soon enough, I took a bite.

Milk Cow's Snowdrop ice cream
Mind. Blown.

You can taste the freshness of the milk with a hint of honey, so, so smooth. Literally, it slides down your throat. The cotton candy and the M&Ms is an insult to the flavour of the ice cream seriously, because it makes the ice cream too sweet and ends up making it taste 'artificial'. Immediately, I regretted not ordering it plain. It is so, so, so good on its own. I'm surprised there was no queue for this place yet Honey Creme has snaking queues. Well, all the better for me. I really regret sharing it with my fiance, we should have have one each.

Definitely a must try if you are around The Cathay. Now I can see why it costs quite a bit.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

A rustic and traditional European experience at the Tavern Restaurant

My godpa wanted to meet us for dinner and told us he will pick me and my siblings up from Suntec City and take us to his favourite place. 

That place turned out to be the Tavern Restaurant, famous for their Swiss and continental cuisine. 

It is located at 227 River Valley Road, just round the corner from UE Square. 

From the outside, it looks like a rustic Swiss cottage built into the ground floor of a shop house. Weird? But this is Singapore, where multinational things blend into something unique.. like this place's location. 

Once you enter the restaurant, you will be greeted by 'butlers' all suit up. You would expect to see such a presentation in Lawry's, not in a shophouse. Interesting. Inside, it looked very homely, and you will half expect to see a fireplace burning with a dog sleeping in front of it. 

We were ushered to the private room. 

Main courses and appetisers (located behind) are written on an old school chalkboard.
We left it to our godpa to order for us. Our lime juices came and they served us warm bread before our appetizers came. 

The foie gras came first. It came with a slice of toasted bread cut into half and two slabs of foie gras on a puddle of cranberry sauce. I place the foie gras onto the bread and let the oil oozing out naturally from the meat seep into the toasted bread first before taking a bite. The foie gras literally melted into the toasted bread, giving it a sweet (from the cranberry sauce) creamy texture. Delicious.

Foie Gras
The oysters came next. After squeezing the lemon and putting a touch of vinegar to the oyster, I downed it like a shot. The oyster was really fresh, not a hint of fishiness. It still had the salty taste of the sea but the lemon and vinegar toned it down a bit. 
Fresh Oysters 
The escargot came next. I waited for the dish to cool down a bit first as I always had a habit of eating the escargot immediately and singing my tongue. The escargot was baked with cream cheese and garlic, I took a bite. The escargot was juicy and not at all rubbery to chew, soaked up the left over cheese, garlic and oil with bread. This was another favourite dish.
Half a dozen Escargot
After which we were served with some seasonal asparagus and Alaskan Crab salad (both I didn't manage to take a photo). The seasonal asparagus was something new to me as I have never tried 'yellow' asparagus before? I took a bite and it gave me this interesting nutty earthly flavour. This is something new to me as I'm a carnivore who avoids eating vegetables to the best of my ability. Haha. I had three of that because it was something really curious to me. The Alaskan Crab salad was really, really fresh. The crab meat did not taste frozen at all unlike some buffet places with Alaskan Crab legs that I have tried. It was really fresh and sweet. Thumbs up to that. We were served the Berry Sorbet before our main course to cleanse our taste buds. 
Berry Sorbet to cleanse the palate before the main course.
Very refreshing!
I ordered the cod fish and it came in a slab. I was taken aback as I was expecting a thin slice or something like other restaurants. Wow. I loved the taste of the cod, it was seared to perfection. The marination they rubbed onto the codfish gave it a peppery taste. I love this dish. 

My sister had the lobster with mushroom sauce. I stole a bit from her. Very fresh and succulent. 

I also took some of my brother's wagyu steak, cooked medium rare. Oh, the flesh melted into my mouth. This dish was also another winner. 

Wagyu Steak
We were almost bloated at this stage, but as the saying goes, there's always room for dessert! 

My godpa ordered the Crepes Suzette with Vanilla Ice-cream. The butler came in and cooked it fresh for us. He meticulously prepared the sugar, took a bit of the orange peel into the pan and squeezed each orange individually just to prepare the sauce for this dish. Afterwards, he poured in what I assumed was the rum, put in the crepe, sealed the pan, reopened it and voila! There's fire. Very theatrical. 

Finally, we were served the dish with a scoop of ice cream. I took a bit of ice cream, a bit of the crepe and a bit of the sauce, placed it into my mouth. And there it was, an explosion of flavours, sweet from the ice cream, sour from the orange, blended with the 'blandness' of the crepe that married both flavours together. I really like this dish, it looks simple but a lot of work went into making the sauce that makes this dish a success. A must try. 
Crepes Suzette with Vanilla Ice-cream. 
With the dessert, our delightful dinner at The Tavern ended. The price was not cheap, but the experience and the food made it worth it. No wonder this place has a lot of regular customers. Definitely a place to try at least once in your life. 

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Wedding Venue Hunting at Concorde Hotel's Openhouse

Here's the third showcase my fiance and I went to after our visit to Marina Mandarin's wedding open house and Goodwood Park's wedding open houseBefore I begin, let me remind you, this is written to my own PERSONAL opinion. Everyone have different experiences and opinions, so do take what I write with a pinch of salt. 

Concorde Hotel, formerly known as Le Meridien Singapore, is located at the Le Meridien Shopping Center in between Somerset and Douby Ghaut. Here's their wedding package

It wasn't even one of our choices as we felt the shopping center located below the hotel is rather dodgy and the exterior looks pretty old. In fact, my fiance was bitching about the shopping center, until my friend who was accompanying us with her husband told us her sister held her wedding there last year and it was a pretty good experience. She told us to go in with an open mind. 

So since we were around the area, why not just pop by and look around? 

My friend said they installed escalators outside the mall that will take us straight to the hotel lobby on the third instead of walking past those dodgy massage parlours to take the lift to the lobby. She did however, mention that despite the dodgy massage parlours, the mall does have shops that are known for giving good manicure and hair services (she swears that her friends do go there for their manicures and stuff despite the dodgy shops) and highlighted that on my wedding day if anything should happen to my nails or hair, I can just go down to the mall and touch up. 

Point taken. 

When we exited the lift to the main lobby. Ok, it wasn't like what we expected. We expected the place to be peeling, a bit dim, and stuff.. but it looks presentable. 

Main Lobby of the Hotel
The one and only Ballroom
Oriental Theme
VIP table decor
Second theme
Main Stage decor for the second theme.
Panoramic view of the ballroom 
Smoked Salmon
Open face sandwiches
Wedding Favours
Wedding Favours
My photo doesn't do it justice.
Official photo taken from Concorde's Website
Also taken from Concorde's Website

I came to Concorde in mid-2013 for the SIA walk-in interview (where I flunked the height test section despite being 1.59m.. I blame my short arms), and to be honest, the ballroom didn't make much of an impression to me. Maybe it was because I was coming for an interview and I was more focused on other things as compared to checking out my surrounds at that time.

So when I entered the ballroom, I was awestruck. The ambiance reminded me of the Roaring Twenties ala The Great Gatsby. Ceiling height seemed just right, not too high, not too low. I like how there is only ONE ballroom. This means that guests will not be confused which ballroom is our wedding and lesser competition for parking lots. I also can't help but notice that the reception outside have their very own bathroom opposite the ballroom. Meaning, we won't have random tourists/people walking past our reception area to go to the bathroom and it's close by so our guests won't have to walk too far to find the toilet. I also like how there's a wheelchair ramp to the reception area, for elderly guests who are unable to walk, this will be easier for them to access the place without much hassle.

Food wise, I can't comment much as they served mainly appetizers for us potential newlyweds. But they do have a dessert buffet for people who are holding their wedding dinner there (I'm holding a lunch banquet), so I'm assuming that some of the food served during the openhouse will be served for the dessert buffet. 

 The wedding favours were quite interesting too. Passport holder, luggage tag, portable nailcare set, cards, we quite like the travel pillow as well.

The invitation cards were pretty standard, so we didn't take photos of it. We spoke to one of the staff who informed us that for the solemnisation/tea ceremony room that is held next to the banquet hall, we do not have to worry about decors as they will take two of the aisle decorations (based on your chosen theme) and place it at each ends of the solemnisation table. After everyone is ushered out to the reception area, the staff will discreetly bring the aisle decors back to the banquet hall before the guests are ushered in to be seated.

We quite like that idea. 

The staff also told us that the hotel is able to display our wedding photo on their information screen. Which is fantastic, as they have the screen displayed at the entrance of the shopping mall, the lift lobby and outside the reception area. It means I don't have to allocate brothers and/or sisters to direct my guests to the venue. 

We were taken to the bridal suite. Out of the wedding venues I have visited (openhouses or relatives' weddings), this is by far one of the most spacious bridal suites (of course, to be fair, can't compare with York Hotel, that place's bridal suite takes the cake so far).  

 I particularly like the spacious bathroom with its full length mirrors as this means there is sufficient space for my make up artist, sisters and whoever to move around without bumping into each other. Also the big full length mirror meant that my bridesmaid and I can check our appearances without waiting for each other's turn (that happened to us for my friend's wedding).
My fiance, from someone who was not at all impressed with the exterior of the hotel, he was quite sold after talking to the staff. The staff was quite commendable, whatever he promised us he wrote it down (so, according to him, he can remember what he promised when we call him to confirm), was willing to lend a listening ear and he was quite witty. He also explained to my fiance, when my fiance complained that the exterior was very dodgy that the hotel management do not own the shopping center, they unfortunately, only own the hotel itself, hence they can only renovate the interior. 

That really explains a lot of things. 

One of the strongest selling point he told us was "And also, because there is only one ballroom, it means our staff are completely dedicated to serving only you." 

Overall verdict, exterior is dodgy yes, but they did make it up by renovating the interiors. In fact, two people I know who are very, very fussy and always complain about services, held functions (one a wedding, another a birthday party) at Concorde, both swore that the service there is fantastic. That, my fiance and I can't help but agree based on the fact that the coordinator we met at the openhouse was very, very good. So good that my friend and her husband advised us to work with him as they told us "A wedding venue can be beautiful, have good food, but if the service sucks, you won't get to enjoy any of it. Take our advice, work with someone who can work if not your wedding day will be very stressful." 

Even my fiance reluctantly agreed that out of all the venues we have visited, he actually felt most at ease with this coordinator. 

After deliberating for a few days, we decided to settle for Concorde Hotel as we decided a good coordinator is the most important for our big day. Thus, effectively ending our wedding venue hunt.