Monday 24 March 2014

Amateur Night Preliminaries

Last Saturday, I experienced my first ever competition.

It was scary, nerve-wrecking, nausea-inducing, appetite suppressing and self-esteem crushing.

But I told my mind to STFU and just do it since I came so far.

Why in the world did I decide to do this?

Maybe it's because I have led a remarkably safe and boring life. Maybe it's because I never dream about being up on stage. Maybe it's because I never found something I love. Maybe It's because I have never felt the fires of passion until I took up pole dancing over a lovely video I saw of someone dancing on the pole to a lyrical song.

I never knew then that pole dancing was so graceful and so classy. My impression of it was always associated with strippers and sex. Never in my life did I consider taking it up until I saw that video.

It was like watching a ballerina on a pole. 

I went to research on pole dance and found that it deviated from the art of chinese pole. It is a combination of yoga, pilates, gymnastics, dance and art. I found out that the reason why most of them wear minimum clothes it's because the skin contact with the pole is necessary to prevent them from slipping (only if you are really strong and confident of your tricks then you can do it full clothed). I watched videos after videos just to be sure I am making the right decision.

After I was convinced, I signed up for class and have never looked back.

Initially it was for the sake of leisure and keeping fit. But term after term, I find myself dreaming of routines in my head and lusting after performing on stage.

Then it hit me.

I want to join a competition.

Not to win. Just to do what I love.

So I set a deadline for myself. 2014.

And signed up I did.

Before I was called on stage, I was on the verge of tears, scared beyond words, worried, concerned and all that. But I told myself to get a grip and just do it. Good or not, it doesn't matter just do it for yourself.

I didn't win, didn't even get into the finals.

But I didn't cry.

I didn't regret.

Nor did I feel jealous.

I just felt happy. Felt at peace that at least I did something for myself.

I finally found myself and experienced the joy of experiencing my passion.

Monday 10 March 2014

Reflecting on my awesome Saturday.

I just had the best Saturday for 2014...for now.

Saturday my dad, siblings and I went for lunch at Sushi Goshin by Akashi at Suntec City (#02-389/390/91/92, Suntec City Mall, 3 Temasek Boulevard).

The interesting thing about this place was that you can order directly from an ipad.

Their Nigirizushi are priced at one piece. Yes, you've read it correctly. ONE PIECE. Not a pair or a plate like many places. The only exceptions are their maki.

I noticed a few interesting flavours on their menu. We ordered a pair consisting of foie gras, unagi, squid and I forgot the last flavour. The four of us proceeded to share it.

The foie gras sushi went first. Despite the fact that it costs $4 per piece, it is one of the most orgasmic thing I have ever eaten in my life. The foie gras was grilled so tenderly that the meat immediately melts into your tongue and seeps into the rice... giving it this rich and creamy flavour. If I ever become a millionaire, I'll probably order this piece by the truckloads.

The unagi and squid tasted fresh. Which is expected, nothing to shout about other than the fact that when I go into a japanese restaurant I must have unagi. The other flavour which I think it's swordfish has a nice chewy flavour to it, but it is not something I am in a hurry to order again.

Next came the unagi maki. As I've mentioned before, I must have unagi. Ingredients were fresh, otherwise, it's unagi maki. I'm biased towards unagi so I have no complaints about this dish either.

Finally, my main course came, cha soba with tempura. The set costs $16 and it consists of tempura, cha soba, watermelon and a salad.

The tempura consists of two prawns, eggplant, sweet potato and a ladyfinger. It was crispy, not too oily and the batter literally melts in your mouth when you put it in the sauce. The cha soba tasted really refreshing especially after soaking it into the sauce mixed with spring onions and raw quail's egg.

I didn't manage to take photos of my siblings and father's meals.

Total bill for four lunch sets and three side dishes including drinks costs about $120+.

After that I went to meet up with one group of friends for high tea before heading over to FT Island's 6th Anniversary concert. My bias is obviously Lee Hong Ki, whom I think have the most amazing vocals.

Look at all the Primadonnas (including myself) going nuts when they finished their encore. Didn't get to take photos at all with my camera which I smuggled in because the guards and ushers were really on the ball. When I try to snap a photo of the stage itself with my handphone camera, they already came to stop me. Sigh. This is the only shot I have managed to snap.

Overall, the concert was definitely worth it. No choreographed dancing nor extravagant costume changes, stage lightings or set design. Just the band members in tee shirts and jeans with their instruments, raw vocals and charisma... only pausing for a sip of water or to have small talk with us (despite being breathless from jumping about and singing).

If you have never heard of FT Island, do listen to their music. It's something quite unique, especially Lee Hong Ki's soulful vocals.

I had a really awesome Saturday and I'm grateful for it.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Having Thai food like royalty and a sweet ending on a Friday night

Met up with my polytechnic friends after work last Friday and we had Thai food at Yhingthai Palace (Address: 36 Purvis St, Singapore 188613) which one of them, swears by.

We arrived at 7pm and were promptly seated. My first thought when we entered the place was "OMG, so noisy."

Though the place looks quite classy, the noise was unbearable. Maybe it's because of three tables of relatives or friends who kept shouting and talking at the top of their voices from where they were seated.

That aside, I have read many reviews about the place and the first thing I ordered based on what I have researched on was the mango salad ($15).

It came like that. The salad itself with fried chicken strips at the side. Not very healthy I guess thanks to the chicken strips, but I'm not complaining.. hehe. Now let's dissect it and see how it tastes on its own. 

First up, the mango salad. Warning, if you are not into spicy food, avoid this dish at all cost. Why? Because the sauce they put in it.. it's a little bit sadistic to me, when you first bite into it, it's like a bit sourish and a little bit spicy? THEN after you swallow it, the real spiciness of the salad kicks in. My friends and I were left panting for water. Luckily, I ordered the jasmine tea ($3.80) which is refillable.

Otherwise, the ingredients were very, very fresh. The french beans and cabbage were crunchy. I like.

Next up was the chicken strips. To be honest, it's fried chicken strips. It tastes like those taiwanese street food. Which is ok. Nothing much to shout about as you can easily go to Bugis Village and get it. I'm suspecting it came with the salad so the strips can 'dull' the spiciness of the mango salad. 

Another recommendation was the stuffed chicken wing ($3.50 per piece, minimum two)... stuffed with chicken meat (duh) and mushrooms. Here's another warning. Wait for it to cool down first. I guess I was so excited to try it because my mouth was still on fire from the mango salad (the chicken strips ran out cause we were sharing it amongst our group), I almost burnt the roof of my mouth when I took a bite.

When it finally did cool down, I got to taste it and it tasted alright to me. Maybe it's because my mouth was already numb from the spiciness of the mango salad? The mushroom stuffed in it was like a slice of mushroom. This dish is not exactly as memorable as the mango salad.. but definitely worth a try.

Next up was the fried yam cakes. Personally, I hate yam but my friend persuaded me to try it. So I did and to be my surprise, I liked it. Maybe it's because it went quite well with the sweet sauce that came with it? I'll definitely recommend trying this dish.

We also ordered tom yum soup which is $7 per bowl. It is clear tom yum soup and the taste is perfect. Not too sour nor was it too spicy. The balance to me felt right. Ingredients were also fresh. A must try.

We also had springrolls which is also priced per piece with minimum two pieces per order. I didn't try that as I am generally not a fan of spring rolls.

 Pineapple rice came next and I tell you it is one of the best pineapple rice I have ever tried in Singapore. I felt the rice was not too oily, the pineapple was sweet and the prawns were fresh. Some pineapple rice I tried were too oily or the pineapple was too sour, if not too hard, or the prawns just tasted weird. This was good. The ingredients all compliment each other. A must try.

This is the olive fried rice. We played safe and mixed the rice without the chilli and boy oh boy, it was good. Another must try. Everything was fresh and complimented each other well.

Total bill for the five of us was about $180+ including our drinks.

As mentioned earlier, the place was too crowded so we decided to scoot to another location for desserts.

We chanced upon Your Very Treatz, at 420 North Bridge Road, North Bridge Centre, 01-06. Exactly opposite the National Library. First thing we noticed about this place was how quiet it is which is exactly what we wanted as the previous venue was so noisy that one of my friends complained that she felt she was going deaf. 

Second thing was the menu, the desserts and drinks are CHEAP. 

Cakes start from $2.80 a piece. Of course, I don't mean a HUGE slice for $2.80 a piece. It's more of from a sample size. The bigger ones costs more. As we were stuffed from our thai meal, we decided to try the mini cakes. 

We ordered the chocolate mousse which costs $3.80. To be honest, I personally feel that the cake is ok. Nothing particularly special. But I can't complain much because of the price I paid for it.

My friend had the fruit tea which is $5.80. It came like this with a small piece of cookie. Pretty cute. I stole a sip from her cup and it tasted heavenly despite the fact that it came without the sugar. Worth a try. 

Overall, I'll definitely recommend this place as it's a great place to just chill and catch up with friends over desserts and drinks. 

A nice way to end a Friday night with my polytechnic friends. :) 

Thursday 6 March 2014

From being fearful of cats to being adopted by a cat.

It all started in September 2013. 

I was walking home from work when I saw a cat with her three kittens. 

I like kittens.. when I watched them from a distance. Otherwise, I'm quite fearful of them. I saw two black kittens playing with one another and the mother cat and her little grey kitten laying side by side. 

 It was a good photo opportunity. So I quickly snapped a photo.

A month passed, and my sister and I begun to see the three kittens running about the park outside my house without their mother. When I came home from work, the kittens will be mewing from afar. Seeing how thin they were, we thought they may be abandoned and starving.

So we begun to secretly feed them.

As I was scared of cats, I'll usually put the food a few steps away from them and watch them eat from a safe distance.

The kittens, were more than happy to run ahead and eat to their hearts' content. 

Eventually my neighbours also started putting food out in the park for them. 

We stopped feeding them until my maid said she hasn't noticed anyone feeding them for quite a while. 

So we begun feeding them again and I realised they have became a bit territorial. One example was when one of the black kittens stalked a dog and hissed after it when it entered 'their park'. Their mother visits them occasionally and there was a big and unfriendly black and white cat that spends time with them once in a while too. Realising there's a population of five cats in the area, I figured since the neighbourhood cares for the cats by leaving out food and stuff for them, it's best if they are caught and neutered before they reproduce more and the situation gets out of control..especially when a neighbour told me some neighbours dislikes cats and once someone called animal control to round up a group of stray cats in the area. So I sought the assistance of a local animal welfare group to help to trap, neuter and release them. 

Then when she came to assess the kittens, we realised there were more cats, however some were thankfully neutered.  

We also met another neighbour who also asked us to help to neuter the cats as she couldn't cope with doing it by herself. The animal welfare volunteer also identified the gender of the cats. We had three males and two females to neuter.

We waited for a couple of months for the kittens to reach maturity (See this was how clueless I am about cats, I couldn't even tell how old they weree). Eventually a cat trapper came and managed to trap the mother and her three kittens. About a week later, the four cats were released back to the park outside my house. 

I thought, that was it. 

I've helped the cats by having them neutered so they won't go round the neighbourhood causing trouble and at the same time maintaining the population so they can continue being fed by my neighbours without competing for food. 

 A day or two went by before I realised something was wrong. 

We were used to seeing the three kittens tumbling about in the park, but we now realised there were two. The little grey kitten and a black kitten. The other black kitten and the mother were missing. I contacted the trapper and they assured me that they did released all four back in the park. I asked my friend who's obsessed with cats and she said that sometimes neutered strays who were released tend to be traumatized from the experience and hide away from humans... either that or they died or migrated to other areas due to the trauma.  

However, a week or two went by and still no sign of the mother cat and the other black kitten. 

I was wrecked with guilt thinking that it was my fault, if only I didn't get them neutered, the other two cats would not have disappeared. My friend assured me that I did the right thing and told me not to feel bad. 

That was in mid November 2013.. and at that time, it was Singapore's rainy season. 

Almost every single day, it poured. 

Out of guilt, I continued feeding them at night and sometimes in the day when I can despite my parents objecting to the feeding because they said the cats will follow me home. I always made sure to feed them in the park. 

At this point, I begun to slowly pat the remaining black kitten. The tabby understandably was cautious of me. 

I begun to wonder if I can adopt them... but I know it's not feasible because I have two elderly rabbits (10 and 11 years old respectively) and a naughty rescued rabbit. 

One day, the black kitten started sneezing and started having runny eyes. I realised it caught a flu and it needed care. However, I couldn't put the kitten in my house as my parents already objected. Luckily, a friend of mine always wanted to adopt a black cat. She decided to trap the black kitten, bring it to the vet, take the kitten home and keep it. 

The tabby girl was left alone in the park after that. My sister and I continued to feed her in the park.

In December, my sister and my maid decided to feed the girl outside our gate. 

It was a big mistake. 

It was still raining a lot that month and one day, she entered our house to seek shelter from the rain.

And kept doing that every single day.

My family eventually took pity on her and let her come in to seek shelter.

However, I noticed she still gets a little wet by the rain.

So I took an old basket, put an old tee shirt in it for her so she wouldn't catch a flu like her brother did... my maid got her a little steel bowl and I got her a little water bowl... and the rest was history.

 She only left the house to go outside to explore, otherwise, she'll spend the day sleeping on my front yard or porch.

Eventually, I made her a little bed for her to sleep in and got her a collar so we can hear her movements especially when she goes to the back where my rabbits are. My sister bought her toys.

We agreed to name her Shell.

The smart girl also ensured she won the hearts of my grandparents and father by catching pests like cockroaches and grasshoppers.

My mom unfortunately is still quite apprehensive about her (probably due to the fact that Shell pooped on her prized plants and climbed up her trees).

She got her own litter bin which she uses to sleep in instead of doing her business. My friend reckons she goes somewhere outside and does it. We got it for her for fear that she will do business in the yard and piss off my parents.

Soon it was 2014, a month after she came into the house, and I fashioned a simple cat house for her with a $2 cushion I bought from Daiso as the winds were pretty cold and she's still not allowed to stay in the house.. (but Shell has been ignoring that by strutting into the house meowing loudly when it's her meal time and occasionally sleeping on the sofa)

And now, from becoming fearful of cats.. my family and I ended up being adopted by a stray cat...

Wednesday 5 March 2014

It's already March 2014

How quickly the days of 2014 flew right by. 

Looking back, on the last day of December 2013, I resigned from my job.

Then on the last day of January 2014, I left and have not looked back since. 

I felt free on that day. 

Why did I do that? It was a secure and adequate paying job. There was job satisfaction. 

But I was not happy. 

I felt like there was a noose tightening around my neck every single day..especially after an incident of sabotage in June last year. 

I had anxiety spells that kept me awake at night, I was paranoid, constantly looking over my back, worried that someone was watching what I am doing because I was seated at an area with a lot of human traffic, always anticipating someone to come up and ask what am I doing and how much workload I have. Often worried about who will throw more work at me and who will sabotage me. I often felt worried and nervous in the office. I hated feeling helpless, always sitting by allowing more work to be dumped onto me for fear that those people will sabotage me again if I said "No."  I also felt that my job satisfaction was dwindling by the day as my job scope kept changing. I also felt unsupported and overworked. 

Friends and family can see that I am breaking down. 

So when a new job opportunity came up, I took it up.

And haven't looked back since. 

After a vacation in Hong Kong, I started in February and told myself to be happy. 

To do my best and let go of the past. 

My current colleagues can still see signs of the paranoia and anxiety and they themselves told me to let it go. 

 And I told myself "I will." 

The past is in the past and whatever I went through will make me stronger. 

One important thing from my previous job taught me that it is up to me to change things. 

If I am sick of negativity around me, it's up to me to do something about it. 

I will not remain helpless like I was anymore. 

If I can't change things there, I can always leave and change for the better for myself. 

Thus begins my task in writing here again. 

Instead of doing the 100 Happy Days thing.. I will use this blog to focus on things I am happy and grateful for. 

And today, I am grateful and happy for having the opportunity to have a new beginning this year with a new job and new opportunities.